Star trek enterprise the breach
Star trek enterprise the breach

star trek enterprise the breach

Phlox reveals to Archer that the Denobulans and Antarans have been periodically at war with one another and the alien is willing to die rather than let Phlox treat him. Phlox is visibly shaken seeing one of the members of the alien crew and when the alien awakens, he refuses treatment from Phlox. While Mayweather, Reed, and Tucker go spelunking to try to find a team of Denobulan scientists who are somewhere beneath the surface exploring, the Enterprise comes to the aid of an evacuating ship that has engine problems. The Xantorans are xenophobic and are removing all off-worlders from their planet. Phlox receiving news from the Denobulan Science Ministry, the Enterprise is diverted to the politically unstable planet Xantoras. Given how heavy the a-plot is, the simple cave exploring/survival story gels poorly with the rest of the episode and pulls focus from the more potentially riveting aspect of Dr. The episode is instantly intriguing, but in perfect support for the idea that the franchise has already shot its wad on this concept, “The Breach” is filled up with a b-plot that is entirely different from the story’s main thrust and is plot-based without truly advancing any of the characters. “The Breach” breaks a long trend of Enterprise episodes that have completely lame teasers. Before “The Breach,” the Star Trek: Voyager episode “Nothing Human” ( reviewed here!) presented virtually the same medical ethical dilemma and between that episode and “Jetrel” ( reviewed here!), the concepts in the episode have been pretty much done to death. The Star Trek franchise is pretty wonderful about exploring the ramifications of war crimes and history, especially as they pertain to issues of medical ethics. In the case of the Enterprise episode “The Breach,” the a-plot is not only far too familiar to fans of the franchise, but it is hardly fresh in that the episodes it most closely resembles were done recently within the franchise. which is utterly familiar to fans of the Star Trek franchise.Ĭritics of movies, television, and literature are frequently known to say “it’s all been done.” That might well be true virtually every story has probably been told in one form or another and at this point in human history, the magic of great cinema/literature is the way in which a familiar story might be told. The Basics: “The Breach” is a good episode about medical ethics and the power of history. The Bad: Very familiar plot and character elements The Good: Good themes, Decent make-up, Good character moments

Star trek enterprise the breach